Since their first remix, a breakbeat builder recorded down to MiniDisk in a bedroom in the early hours of the morning, 1999, Icarus have fostered a passion for playful destruction and reimagining of friends’ and fellow musicians’ work. The UK duo have cast their production aesthetic over an impressive array of contemporary artists, in an increasingly collaborative and bitesized music scene. This complete collection includes remixes of Four Tet, Caribou, Murcof, Eclectic Method featuring Chuck D, Lunz, The Creatures and Badun. Catchy hooks succumb to Icarus’ signature revelry, are recast as shimmering blasts of noise that embark on musical journeys with no clear end in sight. Melodies played at hyperspeed, breakbeats warped and pitchshifted, tempos harmoincally scaled, all unfolding in reverse chronological order in this mix … enjoy!
Fall 2023
Thursday 21nd September 2023Well Hung Game
Rudi Fischerlehner / Isambard Khroustaliov
The Seer & Sam Edwards
Friday 22nd September 2023Rudi Fischerlehner
Alex Bonney / Will Glaser
Ted Milton
Thursday 12th October 2023Icarus
Bovine Mindstate
Mieko Shimizu / Jasmine Morris
Henry Greenleaf
NOT064 : Friday 22nd September 2023 – Well Hung Game – Exit The Feedlot:
NOT065 : Friday 22nd September 2023 – Rudi Fischerlehner /Isambard Khroustaliov – Damaged Hallucinations Live:
NOT066 : Friday 13th October 2023 – Bovine Mindstate – Bovine Mindstate:
NOT067 : Friday 22nd September 2023 – Rudi Fischerlehner – Spectral Nichts:
NOT068 Friday 22nd September 2023 – Alex Bonney/Will Glaser – Everything Unfolding From Emptiness:
NOT069: Friday 13th October 2023 – Icarus – Elektronisk Jazziuice [volume one]: More details coming soon …
NOT070: 22-IX-2023 – Ted Milton – Duty Holster: More details coming soon …
Scarla O’Horror & Blurt – Cafe OTO – Wednesday September 9th 2023
Head down to Cafe OTO for a night of absurdist machinations with Ted Milton’s legendary post-punk, pogo-jazz trio Blurt, and the time-travelling anarchic-skronk quartet of James Allsop, Alex Bonney, Tim Giles and Isambard Khroustaliov …
Cafe OTO, 18-22 Ashwin St, London E8 3DL
Wednesday 9th September7:30pm Doors
8:30pm Scarla O’Horror
9:20pm Blurt£16 on the door, £14 advance, £8 members
Rudi Fischerlehner / Isambard Khroustaliov – Damaged Hallucinations Live

“During the pandemic, I took a chance and sent Rudi a laptop with some software on it for him to perform with … it got trashed in the post, but Rudi managed to record some improvisations with it before it died. Here they are, a kind of elegy to a computer that I also wrote my PhD on … its damaged hallucinations live on!”
Leverton Fox – In The Flicker
“Leverton Fox are improvisational trio Alex Bonney (trumpet), Tim Giles (drums) and Isambard Khroustaliov (electronics).
‘In The Flicker’ found the group challenging themselves by recording in a Sussex wood, and you can hear chance encounters with the landscape on ‘Amethyst Deceiver’, where a sparseness reveals birdsong and gentle breezes.
In contrast to such delicate moments, the robust ‘LIDAR Hailing UFOs’ is dominated by faltering drum machines, echoing percussion, drone-like swells and unpredictable electronics.
Grounded and naturalistic, yet brilliantly adventurous and otherworldly.”
Electronic Sound Magazine, November 2022.