All coming up in August and September:
Tangents – I – 1st August 2013
Alex Bonney / Isambard Khroustaliov / Tolga Tüzün – From Bloom To Bust – 2nd September 2013
Rupp / Müller / Fischerlehner in the studio recording their new album, forthcoming on Not Applicable in the Autumn.
Lothar Ohlmeier has curated a show at T-Berlin in Kreuzberg in June featuring a stellar line-up of friends from Berlin and beyond. The evening concludes with a performance by Rupp / Müller / Fischerlehner, who are also set to release their next record through Not Applicable some time in the autumn.
Saturday 1st June 2013, 18.30
@ T-BERLIN, Fidicinstrasse 38, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg, (am Wasserturm)Sequoia Double-Bass Quartet:
Klaus Kuervers, Meinrad Kneer, Antonio Borghini, Mike Majkowski (All 4 On Bass).Steve Heather (Dr), Achim Kaufmann (p), Jorrit Dijkstra (As, Lyricon), Jeb Bishop (Tb).
Rudi Fischerlehner (Dr), Olaf Rupp (Gui), Matthias Mueller (Tb).
She spent a fortune on lipstick on me
A pig was impaled beneath the floorboards
The palace retainers turn face-to-the-wall
My daughter Maud fell to the ground in fear
We left his name carved in a corner stone
In the face of death he experienced desire
They threw the switch on the Radnorshire hillside
Serpents slid from the folds in the curtains
A shaman was peddling The Book Of The Dead
Sinking into the vertiginous mire
Through the mist of a pavilion of lies
This is my private beach
This is my Jetsam
from The Odes – Live