The much anticipated annual summer migration of Ollie Bown to Europe from Australia for 10 weeks has catalysed some Icarus and related musical activity: A new Icarus single will shortly be appearing on Mystery Plays records with live appearnaces at their first ‘Algorave’ in Brighton, in London alongside Fourtet at Plastic People, in collaboration with Black Top at Cafe OTO and in Aarhus alongside Badun.
Ollie will also be presenting his duo with cellist and fellow antipodean Peter Hollo on the 11th June at Cafe OTO alongside The Golden Age Of Steam & Philippe Petit and also hosting a night of autonomous software acrobatics under the MuMe (Musical Metacreation) banner at Cafe OTO on June 29th. He will also be attending various academic conferences throughout Europe and is in residence at QMUL all of which you can keep up with on twitter: @OllieBown

All the dates can be found below … Hope to see you out there!
Sunday 29th June
Musical Metacreation – Shlomo Dubnov / Nick Collins / Michael Young / Arne Eigenfeldt / Matt Yee-King / Oliver Bown / Doug Van Nordt / Isambard Khroustaliov / Finn Peters / Paul Hession
A concert of software autonomy in music, free improvising algorithms, generative systems and new interfaces for musically metacreative expression.
Cafe OTO, 18-22 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL.
7:00pm – 11:00pm
Tickets : £10 adv / £6 concession / £13 door
Friday 4th July
Brighton Algorave – Mico Rex / Norah Lorway / Renick Bell / Graham Wakefield / Icarus / Chris McCormick / Alo Allik / Charlie Roberts / Aneurin Barker Snook (Anny FM) / Sarah Angliss / Adam Parkinson / Luuma / Glitch Lich
The Loft, 10 Ship St, Brighton BN1 1AD.
7:00pm – 1:00am
Tickets : £6 advance, £8 door
Wednesday 9th July
Icarus / Kieran Hebden (DJ)
Plastic People, 149 Curtain Rd, London EC2A 3QE.
9:00pm – 2:00am
Tickets : £10 Advance
Thursday 10th July
Black Top vs. Icarus / Gum Takes Tooth / Sly And The Family Drone
Cafe OTO, 18-22 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL.
8:00pm – 12:00am
Tickets : £10 adv / £12 door
Friday 11th July
Icarus / Badun / Snoleoparden / Porrtlf / Maulex / DJ Marc Street / VJ Jorgen / VJ Eric Von Araz
B//huset, Institut for (x), Godsbanen, 8000, Aarhus, Denmark
8:00pm – 2:00am
Tickets: 50Kr
Saturday 12th July
The Golden Age Of Steam / Philippe Petit / Ollie Bown & Peter Hollo Duo
Cafe OTO, 18-22 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL.
8:00pm – 12:00am
Tickets : £7 adv / £8 door