Icarus – Liege

Icarus perform live with Olivier Pe and Joël Keutgen @ L’An Vert, Liege (BE).

Olivier Pe – Arts Sonores:

Résultant de la mise en parallèle de l´expérience graphique et sonore, les matériophonies se présentent avant tout comme des variations de textures sonores, où guitares électriques, percussions, bandes audio, micro contact,instruments à vent et objets en tout genre «s´orchestrent sans autres intentions que de recomposer le tissu bruissant du monde». Il importe de situer cette approche musicale dans la continuité de mes préoccupations dans le champ des arts visuels, et de la proposition générale d´une «poétique de la con-fusion». Enfin, quelque soit ma pratique, je vous invite à l´entendre comme «une expérience de pensée, de perception et d´écriture du chaos vivant, du tissu indiscipliné de la vie».

Cofondateur de entrelaction matériophonie / projet collectif à formation variable de recherches musicales autour de la texture sonore, actif depuis 2002 (Fabio Onano, Patrick Mathys, Daniel Voisin, Frédéric Darras, Joel Keutgen, Giani Locci, Jean Kovalski, …
Suite à ce projet de recherche a vu le jour le label indépendant e.mat projet (label / réalisation de CDr)

Rencontres indéfinies avec d´autres acteurs de connivence : Pierre Gérard, Jim Denley (Australie), Yannick Franck, Claire Blach, Tony Di Napoli, Katsura Yamauchi (Japon), Cracked Air (Australie), collectif Inaudible, Jeff Gburek (USA), Tobias Vethake (Siker man) (Berlin)

Il collabore également à des rencontres et salons de musiques électro-acoustiques improvisées principalement en région liégeoise L´an vert (atelier d´art et d´essais), Salon d´improvisation, Improjet, Festivals Minima per Maxima.

Icarus – Amsterdam

Icarus perform live with Furt @ Bimhuis, Amsterdam (NL), as part of the Viral Radio Festival.

FURT is the electronic composition/performance duo formed by Richard Barrett and Paul Obermayer in London in 1986. FURT’s dense and intricate musical forms are produced at every level by an interpenetration between free improvisation and systematic composition, and use primarily concrete (sampled/processed) materials. This activity is concerned above all with allying the physicality and expressivity of sound-structures to FURT’s vision – but also with deriving methods of musical production from the nature of the (electronic) medium itself.

“Furt, in dicts. explained – ‘theft’, is a misprint in the later edd. of Tomkis’ Albumasar for ‘furie’.”

Icarus – Sylt Remixes

Icarus (Ollie Bown and Sam Britton) have a new remix album and (sporadic) tour coming up in the summer – have a look at the Icarus site and in the events pages for details … There will also be a date in Berlin on August 8th featuring the full line up of Not Applicable artists; Isambard Khroustaliov, Lothar Ohlmeier, Maurizio Ravalico, Ollie Bown and Tom Arthurs, with Rudi Fischerlehner, and Andreas Willers … watch this space!

Appliances #10

It is a pleasure (and also a formidable combination of organisation and good luck) for us to be able to invite both Dominic Lash and Anna Kaluza for Appliances #10 at Scooterworks on Thursday 14th May.

Over the last few years, double bassist Dominic Lash has distinguished himself as one of the most versatile and adept musicians to emerge from the improvised music scene. In between working on his own projects, he has performed and collaborated with Tony Conrad, Kieran Hebden, Steve Reid, Evan Parker and John Butcher amongst many others and is in possession of a list of gigs stretching way off into what seems like an inexorably unimaginable future.

It was our fortune to be introduced to saxophonist Anna Kaluza during our recent outing at the Stoke Newington Airport and great to have another opportunity to perform with her. Seeing what both of them conjure up down at Scooterworks will be quite an adventure … a night not to be missed.

Thursday 14th May @ 7:30pm (doors 6:30pm)

Dominic Lash – solo.

Maurizio Ravalico / Isambard Khroustaliov – new work for congas and electronically triggered percussion.

Anna Kaluza / Dominic Lash / Isambard Khroustaliov – improvised trio.


Scooterworks Cafe,
132 Lower Marsh,
London SE1 7AE.
£5 Entry includes a nibble.