Who are these gentlement I hear you ask? Let me introduce you; from left to right we have Matthias Müller, Olaf Rupp and Rudi Fischerlehner (who’s presence has already graced these pages, mainly via his trio with Maurizio Ravalico and Isambard Khroustaliov; Fiium Shaarrk). Naturally, they make music, the jist of which you can discover for yourself via their forthcoming album ‘Tam’, which will enter the public domain on the 23rd September 2013. However, for those of you fortunate enough to reside in the great city of Berlin, you have the possibility of being able to see them live at Ausland on Sunday 22nd September, something us Londoners will have to wait for …
Sunday, September 22nd 2013
AUSLAND, Lychener Str. 60, 10437 Berlin, 20:00RUPP / MÜLLER / FISCHERLEHNER
record release concert "TAM" (Not Applicable)